Q: How many installments are planned for the series?
Ans:When you actually think about it, the storyline can expand to include any of the many characters provided by the history of this world and many more provided by worlds beyond our own. The resources are only as limited as the imagination… As for now the plan is for an additional five books in the series.
Q: How did you decide to start the process?
Ans: As a child I always loved the entertainment industry and wanted to be part of giving the joy of entertainment to others, maybe in part because my neighbors worked in the entertainment industry and Uncle Tony was a lighting director. One night I sat down and the storyline started to flow… I started typing for hours at a time and stopped some 340 pages later or 132,000 + words later… To be honest, I could’ve gone on forever.
Q: Would you consider turning the storyline into a movie or television series?
Ans: Up until recently I hadn’t considered that thought, however it has been brought up to me a few times over and with the material available it may possibly become a reality… I personally enjoy the comparison of the read to the movie… So yes… I would consider that option.
Q: What is your advice for anyone who wants to write a book?
Ans: Once motivated to write, sit down and start. Act on it! Watch as your storyline grows into what may be the next great novel. Writing is a thing of passion. It takes you to any destination you desire. Once you start, it’s hard to stop. Learn to connect with your intuition and you’ll have a never ending stream of idea’s to write about.As for what to do when your finished writing… There are a tremendous amount of resources out there to help… reach out to me and I will gladly put you on the path…
Q: How many of your own personal experiences are represented in the book, and which ones are they?
Ans: There are quite a few… but I think it much more fun for you to guess which are real and which are works of the imagination.
Q: When is your favorite time to write?
Ans: My favorite time of the day is early morning, about 4:30-5:00 o’clock. The world is peaceful and without the distractions we find during the average day… No matter where I find myself… I go outside and listen to the sounds of the night fade into the sounds of the new morning…
Q: Are Mustangs your favorite car?
Ans: One of my many favorites… I love all the classics. They come from a different era of style and design that many authors, film makers and artists have romanticized over the years in film, text and music… Personally, I enjoy the sheer power of the true muscle car.
Q: Do you have a pilot’s license?
Ans: Does an expired learners permit count? I do love to go up in just about anything. During my lessons early on I’ve had the pleasure of strafing the sand bars in the Florida Keys on a two seat ultralight strapped to a raft that took off from the water, to grabbing the yoke and flying a small private plane for a few lessons… My flying wish list… I’d like to have an actual dog fight,simulated of course, however, my dream is to get up in a fighter jet and test my metal going supersonic…